
Carbon Services

Climate change is a defining concern of the modern era, and governments, businesses and individuals are seeking ways to reduce their impact on the environment.

Companies are increasingly setting carbon neutral and net zero targets to demonstrate their contributions to limiting global temperature increases to within 1.5°C of 1990 levels. To accomplish this, companies have three priorities: reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from operations, sustainably managing internal and supply chain energy consumption, and offsetting unavoidable carbon emissions.

Bureau Veritas helps companies manage their energy consumption and minimize their carbon footprint with training for a range of standardized industry approaches. From carbon footprinting to green finance, Bureau Veritas provides audits, independent certification and verification of businesses’ efforts to mitigate their climate change impact.

Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

Carbon Footprint verification enables companies to accurately assess and report on their carbon emissions and identify areas for improvement. To be effective, it requires accurate data. Bureau Veritas verifies businesses to a variety of voluntary standards and regulatory schemes for carbon footprinting, enabling organizations to reduce emissions and prioritize sustainable operations.

Carbon Footprint Services

Carbon footprinting is an assessment and reporting methodology that enables companies, buildings and cities to more accurately calculate carbon emissions and identify areas for improvement. Bureau Veritas has extensive experience offering carbon footprint verification (CFV) to standards that help organizations measure and report on their carbon footprint rigorously and transparently.

Carbon footprinting is a recognized best practice for companies seeking to track their carbon output in an effort to reduce it. Accurate monitoring and reporting shows companies where changes can be made and impact minimized, helping them achieve net zero targets.

Both voluntary standards and protocols and mandatory reporting regimes exist to which businesses can assess and report their carbon footprint thoroughly and transparently. Using holistic, structured methodologies consistent with standards of lifecycle assessment, they give organizations the information and guidance they need to reduce emissions.

Verification by an experienced and trusted body like Bureau Veritas sends a powerful message about the strength of a company’s commitment to achieving sustainable operations.

Certification For Carbon Offsets And Removals

Carbon Offset and GHG Removal schemes enable companies to limit or balance out their greenhouse gas emissions and minimize their environmental impact. Bureau Veritas validates and verifies carbon offsetting and removal initiatives, proving the legitimacy of carbon credits and helping companies achieve carbon neutral and net zero operations.

Carbon Offset and GHG Removal Services

To reduce their carbon footprint, organizations need to find ways to limit or reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Companies can then offset unavoidable emissions by buying or investing in carbon credits. Bureau Veritas offers validation and verification of such carbon offsetting and removal initiatives.

Under pressure to lower their GHG emissions, organizations are turning to carbon offsetting and removal schemes to hit their targets.

Carbon offsetting enables companies to buy offset credits that contribute to projects that reduce or avoid GHG emissions. This enables businesses to “cancel out” their residual emissions and credibly claim they are carbon neutral. Organizations can also choose carbon removal, the process of removing emissions directly from the atmosphere. This can help businesses cancel out residual emissions and bring them closer to achieving net zero targets.

Bureau Veritas validates the design of carbon offsetting projects using several standards and mechanisms. Our experts can also verify that real emissions reductions were achieved from these projects’ operations throughout their lifecycle.

Bureau Veritas is among the top five most used Designated Operational Entities for Clean Development Mechanism/Joint Implementation project validation and verification. We have more than 1,000 projects validated and over 340 projects verified.

Providing Transparency To Carbon Neutral Claims

To prove their commitment to slowing climate change and limiting environmental impact, companies must justify claims of Carbon Neutrality business practices. Bureau Veritas provides third party verification and certification to your preferred standard. These standards require companies to monitor carbon output, identify areas of inefficiency, measure emissions reductions and buy the right quantity of carbon credits to offset their residual emissions.

Carbon Neutrality Services

Businesses are making huge efforts to achieve carbon neutrality, by first reducing and then balancing out greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with natural carbon sinks or credits. Certification by Bureau Veritas allows companies to prove claims of carbon neutrality and support for decarbonization.

Decarbonization is a key watchword for organizations. Many companies have set themselves ambitious targets, ranging from carbon neutral to net zero. However, many initiatives to reduce GHG emissions have failed to meet these goals, and public scrutiny is growing.  As a result, companies can no longer simply claim to be reducing their emissions and achieving carbon neutrality – they must prove it.

To verify their environmental commitment, companies must show stakeholders, institutions and partners that their activities meet internationally recognized carbon-neutral standards. Bureau Veritas is a long-term industry player providing third-party verification and certification against standards that lay out requirements for quantifying carbon footprints, enabling companies to identify and implement improvements.

Achieving Net Zero Emissions

For companies to achieve net zero emissions, they must implement business practices across the supply chain that leave no net impact on the climate. Bureau Veritas helps companies with carbon footprint verification, assessing the results of GHG removal projects and reduction initiatives, and verifying reports on progress towards their net zero objectives.

Net Zero Emissions Services

Bureau Veritas supports responsible companies by providing audits and verification of businesses’ efforts to mitigate their climate change impact. We verify carbon inventories/ footprints and reports on progress towards net zero objectives. We also validate and verify offsetting and removal initiatives, proving the legitimacy of carbon credits. Our experts can also verify claims of carbon-neutral business practices, providing third-party verification and certification to various standards.

Net zero targets start with an announcement and follow with achievement. However, no business should underestimate the importance of the extra step of verification if they want to communicate their efforts transparently and accurately, thereby building stakeholder trust and safeguarding the reputational benefits of their contribution to curtailing climate change.

Verifying Green Finance Investments

Organizations are increasingly investing in Green Finance projects that contribute to a low-carbon and climate change-resilient economy. Bureau Veritas provides certification to climate bond standards and green bond principles, helping businesses verify the positive impact of their investments and provide transparency to investors and stakeholders.

Green Finance Services

Organizations must meet high standards for project verification and ensure complete transparency to benefit from their green investments. Bureau Veritas offers companies certification to voluntary standards that attest to the credibility of their green investments.

Many financial actors, including banks, investors, and local and national governments now issue green bonds for sustainably developed projects. Developers, utilities companies, equipment manufacturers, aggregators and other industry players can win financial support for their projects by meeting reliable standards for green initiatives.

Bureau Veritas supports environmentally responsible organizations through certification to climate bond standards and green bond principles. This allows businesses to catalogue and certify their green investments, providing transparency and proving quality. This helps companies ensure their green labeling is externally verified and can be trusted.

